
Showing posts from 2024

Power Apps Custom User Image

Personalizing Power Apps is not only fun, but it can also provide users with a sense of ownership. Custom messages with user info, the ability to change themes, and the like all contribute to making your Power Apps feel like home for those in your organization.  If a user has a profile picture uploaded to their Office365 account, you can further that sense of ownership following the steps below. Let's get started! 1. Add a Data Source [Figure 1-1] - Select a data source Create a new blank canvas app. Once created, add your data source from the tree view menu by clicking on the cylinder icon, then +Add Data. Search for, then choose Office 365 Users as your data source [Figure 1-1]. This will connect to all users available in your environment, enabling you to utilize info relevant to them. 2. Add an Image Control [Figure 2-1] Image Control Dropdown Menu Insert an image control from the Insert dropdown menu [Figure 2-1]. Move the image to the center of the screen and enlarge it for be...

Ace Your PL-900 with This Fantastic Exam Guide!

I'm all over the place when I attempt to study for exams these days. Back in school, it was easier for me because the rabbit hole of the Internet was still not a regular tool in everyone's bag. So when I needed to study for an exam, it was me in my bedroom with my textbook and the notes I had taken in class.  Today, my brain has a bad tendency to wander around online when reading study guides! Eye-catching links like "Read here for more info...", "These tools will help you learn more about...", or "10 tips and tricks when taking..." all vie for my mind's attention when all I really want to do is study what is in front of me with little- to no distractions.  My wonderful wife recently downloaded the  Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Exam Ref PL-900  by Craig Zacker via Google Play. I've been reading it non-stop over the weekend, and man, it has helped me to focus so much more. The PL-900 is the unanimous go-to ...

Progress Bar with Timer Control in 3 Easy Steps

If you ever find yourself needing to buy your Power Apps canvas app some loading time while your data is retrieved - or you want the user to feel like they're accessing a typical app - I have found that inserting a modern progress bar into a start page works well. With some settings tweaking, the process is fairly simple and straightforward! 1. Setting Up Your Environment First, you'll want to create a new blank Power App.